Del två av: The Innocent Little Girl and The Rat
Här är resten av det jag skrivit på min senaste novell. Blev så otålig så jag ville lägga upp alltihop på en gång istället för att vänta tills imorrn...Men, men:
"The fear held a firm grip around her neck, with one claw cutting and slashing along her spine.
The innocent little girl dared the fear and cautiously padded further to examine the horrible mystery. The thing squealed as she got closer to a large, wooden box. She was afraid, but she was also determined to face the beast. It sounded too helpless to be of any harm, so the girl continued her way to its hiding place. Behind there were something close to the wall, but it was to dark for her to see or figure anything but a distorted shadow on the floor.
Her small hands approached the silhouetted beast with curious fingers. The first thing they felt was cold iron. A small, cylindrical bar, as thin as her own fingers. It bent and curved two or more times until the hand could feel a smooth surface that brought her to mind the touch of wood or cork. She stroke the object for a long time, as if it were a cat's back.
All of a sudden she could feel an unpleasant, wet rubberiness that obstacled her hand. She immediately froze as the thing squealed once more. Something twitched. It was trapped under the metallic thing; maybe it was stuck in a rat trap. A warm, pulsating body clothed in damp fur writhed in pain of her touch. The girl felt sorry for the beast, stupid and young as she was.
With much effort, her delicate fingers lifted the metallic jaw from the creature's crushed limb. It immediately ran away as she released it, but as she followed the sound of its scurrying paws with her blue eyes, she saw I stop in the dim light that ventured from the opened door on top of the staircase. It was a big, brownish-black rat with red gleaming eyes. Its pointy teeth almost resembled fangs in their horrid distortion.
She gasped at the horrible sight, but remained sitting on the floor until it disappeared in the dark corner beneath the staircase."
Ja det är en film jag kan se flera gånger om =D Inte riktigt som There will be blood, förstår inte hur du orkade dej igenom, det måste du ha beröm för ;)
Jaa, sorgligt är det, och det tänker man ju på när man ser filmen också :( Men de har gjort ett riktigt bra jobb med att göra så att man inte ser att det är en ersättare i en del av scenerna iaf, trots att filmen inte är den nyaste! Vet inte riktigt hur det gick till då, men lite läskigt är det att också hans pappa dog på liknande sätt under en av hans filminspelningar...
Vad föredrar du för filmer då? Bara skräckisar och massa blod? ;P