"The House of Horrors" Del 1

Jag såg att Sarah ville se mer av min första novell, så jag fick idén att jag lika gärna kan lägga upp hela berättelsen. Så ofta jag kan kommer jag att lägga upp en bit i taget, så att det blir intressantare att läsa. Hursomhelst, här kommer HELA introt:

"I have witnessed things that other people wouldn't even imagine about in their wildest dreams. If I told anyone about my experiences I would end up in an asylum, locked up for good. But if I don't tell anyone, which I've already explained why I can't, I feel that I would get mad for real. Therefore I have decided to write a diary about what I've seen in this house of horrors, and to stabilise my sanity. When I'm done with this book I will hide it under the bookcase trapdoor, along with the rest of the foul secrets that this God-forsaken hell is hiding.

But first I must sum up all my researches about the house and my uncle that lived here for more than twenty years ago, because he is, what I think, the reason why these things are happening.
I first stumbled across uncle Abram's secrets that very first day I moved into this house with my wife and children. I had been looking around the house, trying to see which room that best fitted as my working room, and to tidy up a bit, for the house had been standing for twenty years after the last owner, my uncle and his family.
After looking through some of the books in one of the rooms; they where probably all hand-written by my relative, I found a notebook signed with his name.

As the first days passed on, I continued reading the book and other notes that Abram had written, and I discovered horrible acts that I wish I had never read, but if I hadn't, maybe I wouldn't have the sense to hide it from the children. As soon as I had finished reading I locked the papers in a chest, which I hid in a closet to lie there in wait as I crafted a trapdoor under a bookcase in the library, where I could store them safely from my family.

Though the price for not telling my wife is still burning in my head; I thought I was getting paranoid, or at least I felt like I was watched, by some strange reason.
Every day I kept thinking about what I've read and how close to the truth they may be. Now I know they where as true as... truth itself. I will not write any further about my uncle's actions, in fright of the terror it would cause in my mind, the scar is deep enough.

Along with my uncle's diary, I also found some sort of spellbook, though it first took me a long time to realise that; and I have used that evil book of blasphemy and perversion myself and every time I've used it, I've felt a pain in my stomach, like an iron claw ripping my guts out. I feel disgusted and guilty of something I hate to do, but every time I feel that pain in my stomach, I also feel a bit more satisfied with myself, and that really frightens me sometimes.

Nowadays, I use to spend some time in the shed outside, philosophising and thinking of what I may have become. I even used to think I was possessed or haunted by some kind of entity, but as I've studied further about the occult, I have rejected those thoughts.

- Thomas Arthur Rowe "

Postat av: Sarah ''Jigsaw'' Giercksky

vilken spännande inledning :D Ska bli intressant att läsa mer, vill verkligen veta vad det är som står i dagboken! :D

2008-03-19 @ 14:56:58
URL: http://SGiercksky.blogg.se
Postat av: Gurra

Öh, hörru, inledningen är väääldigt lik den från min novell "The ruby of Krai".

2008-05-26 @ 12:30:34
Postat av: Jacob

Vad flummigt! Du behöver inte oroa dig för att jag har snott nåt från dina noveller. Just denna del tillhörde en parallell novell till denna som innehåller allt som står i dagboken, vilket jag hittade på helt själv för inte mindre än tre år sedan...
Den gamla novellen sög råttsvett, så jag skrev om den till den nya The House of Horrors...

2008-05-28 @ 22:15:30
URL: http://greyshades.blogg.se
Postat av: Anonym


2008-10-29 @ 19:53:16

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