This is a case for Annie and Mr.Black!

Nu ska jag presentera ett utdrag ur en av mina senaste noveller om frilansdetektiven Anne Belle och hennes klärvoajanta assisstent Mr. Black. Hon löser myter, mystiska pussel och brutala mord, medan han hjälper henne där det övernaturliga tar över. Läs och säg vad ni tycker!

"Found something, have you?"

Anne took a few steps closer and picked up her looking glass to further investigate the strange markings. In doing so, she noticed the reddish colour in the claws' trace, that could be identified as Mr.Brennan's blood.

"But why did this...thing scratch the wall, and how did Mr. Brennan's blood end up there, when he clearly died at sleep?" she asked to Mr.Black.

He grumbled and hid under the bed, as appeared to Anne, but when she removed the bed she found something even more interesting. Black sat in the middle of a yellow sign, circular in shape, centered by a triangle with one spot on each plane, inside which there was a symbol that reminded Anne Bell of a scythe, turned upside down.

She answered Mr. Black's callings. "I know what you mean, Black. Someone, or maybe even Mr. Brennan himself, has been practicing magick at this place. What we need to do now is to search the library for this sign."

the black cat

Bilden är tagen av Stacy Reed. Vill ni se fler bilder av henne, följ länken nedan.

She Dreams in Digital

Postat av: Sarah Giercksky

Bra novell! :D Och häftig bild :)

2008-10-06 @ 23:42:13
Postat av: Erika

aaw ser ur som min katt jag hade för ett par år sen :(

Bra novell :)

2008-10-07 @ 16:23:59
Postat av: Calle

bra skrivet!

2008-10-12 @ 19:26:41

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