Rest Now

Be still,
So that you may not die,
Die in disharmony.

Listen carefully
To the symphonies
Of death.

Now die,
Now rest peacefully
For all eternity

You shall be buried
In cold graveyard dust,
To rest.

As Time Fades Away

I Embraced the deceased,
but still I'm grasping for air
My heart is not yet released
from this cold, dark nightmare.

I sense your mortal grief
Tears flow down my mental stair
Do not despair, their coldness
calms the hate my heart possess.

they'll send me to my relief
And I shall wait as time fades away.


Är lite trött för tillfället (pga fuckad dygnsrytm) och orkar inte blogga lika seriöst och kommer säkerligen inte göra det under december i alla ingen tid till att klaga och vara slö, så jag får väl underhålla er med lite random texter och allt möjligt (om det går bra;)..

"Locked up in a padded
cell forever
Isn't that the same,
but you're locked up in your own
heart instead?

Searching for the exit that
doesn't exist,
but you cannot stay,
then you'd rather die.."

Nä nu måste jag hinna med bussen, ska handla julklappar idag ju! ^^

Mörkrädd II

We fear the darkness;

Yet we were born in it's embrace,

But we never felt the freedom

Until we entered the bright light;

And as we did so,

We all cried in joy but not fear,

Except those who had already

Learnt how to see in the darkness.





Problems committing suicide?

"what did you say, I didn't hear?
You're outta I'ideas, you swear?
Problems committing suicide?
Tried the latest cyanide?"

Random Ramblings..

"The sun had risen for over three hours ago, but still no light could reach between the gaps in the boarded window. The room was cold and damp; she could almost see the cold rise like mist from the floor. Paper sheets, molded leaves and gray dust covered the chill room. In the middle lay a mutilated bed, as were the silhouetted body lying on it."

"Eternal Dawn Painted the World"

"What man will not see,
She ought to know;
But her hands will always destroy
the beauty they touch

Eternal dawn Painted the world
In a cloaked shape of red,
The ever-dying sun,
Will not remain,
To live or die,

Nothing more than the darkness
That awaits at the corpse-cold horizon
For his hunger will equally last
As the fading light"

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