The Innocent Little Girl and The Rat

Här är ett stycke ur en "ny" novell som jag skrev för cirka en månad sedan. Tog stopp med skrivandet efter ungefär en dryg vecka, men själva grovhandlingen har jag färdig, så jag skulle i princip kunna skriva klart resten på en timme eller två om jag känner för det. Hursomhelst:


"The innocent little girl dared the steep, creaking staircase to the cold cellar floor. The penetrating scent of moist, musty leather and wet concrete crawled from the murky chamber, towards the thin child at the first moldy step. Somewhere, hidden in the dark, her father's toolbox should be. A chilled gust froze her limbs, but she was still too young to request her father for help.

She slowly sneaked down the submerging steps without a cat's notice. Just as the first tiny foot was about to reach the damp floor, she suddenly stiffened at the muffled sound of some animal whimpering in the shadows. The innocent little girl stopped in her position, with the left foot still in the air. She listened.

But there was no answer; no whisper or noise that could drown the beating of her fragile heart. Maybe she was imagining the scene of a huge, hungry beast; waiting for her to help the poor thing it pretended to be. Maybe it was waiting with it's gruesome mouth, inhabited with miscellaneous teeth or fangs.

But there was no adult with her in the darkened room that could say it was only her imagination. And the poor thing could not do anything more than to release her deepest imaginations of the dread that awaited behind those boxes."


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